Ankit Fadia, He is know as India’s first ethical hacker. He is very popular among tech savvy people. A few days back, Ankit Fadia’s official website got hacked by some hacker group know as Team Grey Hat.
Hackers may have got the access to his server files, Because they have put some screenshot of taking access to his website server.
Hackers rubbished Ankit as an hacker and on his findings. They claims that Ankit had got hacked several times before also.
However, Now Ankit has got the control of his website..
Hackers may have got the access to his server files, Because they have put some screenshot of taking access to his website server.
Hackers rubbished Ankit as an hacker and on his findings. They claims that Ankit had got hacked several times before also.
However, Now Ankit has got the control of his website..