The Noida police’s cyber cell has started a hunt to nab India’s smartest hackers, associated with hacking group indishell. On Saturday, two persons were arrested for allegedly duping a Delhi-based company ofRs. 50 lakh. The accused have been identified as Sumit Gupta, 24, and Ankit
Singh, 22. They allegedly got control over server of online mobile recharge websitewww.freecharge.in. They used it to recharge mobile phones without paying the website owner. They earned so much profit, using it, that they have opened mobile phone shops in Moradabad, UP.
The police have traced their links to various online frauds committed in the city.
“Manmohan alias MAC, Ajay Dhaka alias Dark Look, Raman Kumar Rana alias Google Warrior and Shrinivas Fakirpuri alias Neo are members of indishell. Claiming themselves to be ethical hackers, they said they have been carrying out attacks against Pakistani hackers for years. But these hackers have started making money. We have ascertained their involvement in various fraud cases in Noida,” said Triveni Singh, deputy superintendent of police and head of cyber crime cell.