Facebook has made Mark E. Zuckerberg a rich man but, for Mark S. Zuckerberg, it's caused a lot of headaches. The Indianapolis bankruptcy attorney who shares his name with the Facebook founder told a local TV station today that the social networking site disabled his account, believing he was lying about his name. S. Zuckerberg explained that when he signed up for an account two years ago, he had to send Facebook copies of his driver's license, birth certificate, and Indianapolis Bar Association license before he was permitted to join.
On his site IAmMarkZuckerberg.com, the lawyer reflects on the loss of his good name: "I have put a lot of energy into becoming an exceptional bankruptcy attorney and establishing my good name nationally. If you had Googled Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, you would have found me ... Now my name isn't mine any more." The Indianapolis Star noted last year that S. Zuckerberg's office get "a dozen phone calls a day from people complaining about Facebook and demanding tech support" and that the attorney personally "gets about 500 Facebook friend requests a day, many of them from people in other countries who don't speak English."
But before we feel too bad for S. Zuckerberg, the attorney has paid for his troubles in free publicity. He even makes a sales pitch on IAmMarkZuckerberg. While he and the Facebook founder have little in common beyond their name and their Jewish upbringing, S. Zuckerberg explains, "One thing we do share is a laser sharp focus on what we do. Facebook's success owes to the determination and intensity of young Mr. Zuckerberg. My Indiana bankruptcy law practice gets the same laser focus from me and my competent staff."